Back End Products… The Key to Lasting Profits

Author:Dan Brown
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Saved_Date:20070725 12:30: 06
Category :business_and_finance Item

If you are not trying to sell backend products to your customers, you are making a big mistake. It’s easier to sell to existing customers than to new customers who don’t trust your business. still.
Here are ten great strategies you can use to sell your backend products to your existing customers:
1. When you send people the first product they bought, put a flyer or brochure on your backend -Product in the package.
2. Offer customers a free subscription to a customer-only ezine when they buy your product.You can place your ad for your backend product in any issue.
3.Send greeting cards to your customers on holidays or birthdays. Insert a small ad for your backend product into the map.
4. After people order their first product from your website, take them to a “thank you” webpage and paste your backend product ad on that page.
5. Send customers a surprise gift after they order their first product.You can attach another ad with the giveaway for your backend product.
6. If you are selling an e-product such as an e-book, place your ad for your backend product anywhere within the e-product.
7. Offer your customers free membership to your private “customers-only” site. You can place your ad for your backend product anywhere on the private website.
8. Call your customers and ask them if they are happy with their purchase.You could tell them about your backend product.
9. Send your customers a thank you note by post or email. You can mention your backend product anywhere in the letter.
10. Ask your customers if they would like to be informed about new product offerings in the future. You can let them subscribe to receive email or post updates.
Your business has a better chance of surviving trying to sell backend products to your existing customers.